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黄子韬代言手游 遭醉酒疯妹怒斥其背叛EXO

Huang Zitao endorsements tour being drunk crazy sister accosted the betrayal EXO

2015-06-09 15:13:31来源: 东北新闻网

6月3日,亚洲超人气偶像黄子韬现身帝都,助阵手游《超神战队》发布会,没想却遭网络某醉酒疯妹怒斥。视频中该女子形象窘迫,精神恍惚,大骂黄子韬背叛EXO团队,还声称离队成员鹿晗、吴亦凡、黄子韬三人应速回SM公司遭惩罚。 此前,前队友鹿晗吴亦凡的代言也受到了SM娱乐公司的不满,SM也曾起诉...

6 3, Asian super idol Huang Zitao appeared in the Royal Park, tour the godlike corps "the conference to help out, didn't want to but encounter network a drunk crazy sister angrily. Video of the woman image distress, trance, cursed Huang Zitao betray exo team, also claimed that the departure members Luhan, Wu Yifan, Huang Zitao should speed back to the SM company being punished. Previously, the endorsement of former teammate Luhan and Wu Yifan have also been SM Entertainment's discontent, has sued SM...

标签: 手游