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MDL邀请赛杂谈:百家争鸣 煮酒论英雄

MDL Invitation Tournament Zatan: a hundred schools of thought contend for distilling on hero

2015-06-06 18:16:28来源: 游久网

6月,雨霁,为出征壮行色,MDL挑战者杯邀请赛开打,除了要高考的苏妹儿,天下英雄齐聚一堂。 作为Ti开战前最重要的热身赛之一,本届MDL延续了去年华西杯邀请赛的形势,那就是:天下强队,除了EG,都来了,所不同的是,去年前八中国队占据了五席,所以华西杯冠军也是最后的Ti冠军,而今年,豪...

6 month, Yu Ji, the color as the expedition bolstering departure, MDL Challenger cup invitation open, in addition to the college entrance examination to be su Meier, the hero of the world gathered in a hall. As Ti before the war were the most important warm-up match one, the current MDL continued last year West China Cup tournament situation, that is: the world strong teams, in addition to eg, the, the difference is, last year, the first 8 teams in China occupy the five seats, so West China Cup champion is also the last Ti champion, and this year, Ho...