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《石器时代2》今日全平台上线 再续15年青春旅程

The stone age 2 today the whole platform on-line and then continue to 15 years of youth journey

2015-06-08 12:23:06来源: 4399

3D回合制RPG手游《石器时代2》现已全平台上线。玩家可以搜索4399石器时代2进行下载,史前风暴再次席卷大陆,狂躁的暴龙家族凶猛来袭。全民总动员,向史前大陆进发吧! 石器时代2安卓版下载地址:http://a.4399.cn/game-id-82623.html 超经典IP 再续1...

3D round RPG hand travel, stone age is now the whole platform on-line. Game player can search and download 4399 Stone Age 2, prehistoric storm once again swept the continent, manic Tyrannosaurus family ferocious strikes. Universal mobilization, to the prehistoric continental move it! Stone Age 2 Android version download address: http://a.4399.cn/game-id-82623.html super classic IP and then continued 1...