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不仅仅是要经常存档 游戏教会我们的人生哲理

Is not only to save often games teach our philosophy of life

2015-06-01 22:24:43来源: 大河网

人生如戏、戏如人生~那个戏字我们似乎也可以代换成游戏狗?游戏不仅是拿来玩,有时在剧情里也会提出一些值得大家深省的议题~或者是其实也不用想太多的人生教训,以下那些游戏中教我们的事,认真就输了 《半条命》行动更胜嘴炮 游戏里的麻省理工大学物理学博士Gordon Freeman就是一个典...

life is like a drama, life ~ the play word it seems that we can also substituted for dog game? Game is not only brought to play, sometimes in the story will put forward some worth everybody sobering issues ~ or in fact, do not think too much of a life lesson, teaching us. Which of the following game, seriously lost "half life" action more wins mouth cannon game in Massachusetts science and Technology University Physics Dr. Gordon Freeman is a typical...

标签: 游戏