新关注 > 信息聚合 > 傻黑长微博致11平台 为了我们热爱的Dota

傻黑长微博致11平台 为了我们热爱的Dota

Silly black long micro Bo caused by 11 platform in order to we love Dota

2015-06-01 14:38:51来源: 游久网

DOTA知名解说傻黑今日凌晨发表长微博致11平台,为了我们热爱的DOTA 原文如下: 转眼间,玩dota已经快够8个年头了,我想对于很多人来说,dota不止是一款游戏,更是我们青春的美好印记,今天我说这些,是出于一个热爱dota,不喜欢这款游戏加速死亡的玩家,是因为热爱,所以想改变...

DOTA famous commentary silly black this morning published long micro Bo caused 11 platform, in order to we love the original dota as follows: in the twinkling of an eye, playing dota has fast enough eight years, I want to for a lot of people, dota is more than a game, is our youth beautiful mark. Today I say these, is for a love DOTA, do not like this game accelerated the death of internationally, is because of love, so want to change...

标签: DOTA