新关注 > 信息聚合 > 童年回忆:《圣斗士星矢》PS4版即将发售!


Childhood memories: "Saint Seiya" PS4 version on sale soon!

2016-02-05 21:17:53来源: 中关村在线

索尼的添田武人最近爆料频频,没想到今天还有 —— 这一次我们将迎来的是《圣斗士星矢:斗士之魂》。 添田武人说,他们正在努力为玩家们带来《圣斗士星矢:斗士之魂》的简体中文版。值得一提的是甚至他还给...

Sony Soeda swordsman recently broke the news frequently, did not think today there is - and this time we will celebrate the "Saint Seiya: Soul Fighter." Soeda swordsman say they are trying to bring the players' Saint Seiya: Soul Fighter "Simplified Chinese version. It is worth mentioning that even he gave ...

标签: PS PS4