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PS4版《塔洛斯的法则》登陆亚马逊 封面图曝光

The PS4 version of "Talos's law" the Amazon landing cover exposure

2015-05-08 20:30:21来源: 逗游网

近日,解谜游戏《塔洛斯的法则(The Talos Principle)》登陆了PC平台,随后美国亚马逊又公布了本作的PS4版本封面以及发售日期,本作原定于今年秋季8月28日上架,售价49.99美元。 作为一款轻松向的解谜游戏,《塔洛斯的法则》的游戏特色并不是传统的外星人、机械枪或者是...

recently, "Talos puzzle game rules (The Talos Principle)" landed on the PC platform, then America Amazon also announced the PS4 version of the cover and the date of sale, the original scheduled for autumn August 28th on the shelves, priced at $49.99. As an easy to puzzle game, "Talos's law" feature of the game is not a traditional machine guns or aliens...

标签: PS PS4