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《天使与龙的轮舞》Web广播二 战斗部分演示

"The angel and long round" Web radio two combat demonstration

2015-04-25 10:37:27来源: 电玩巴士

BANDAI NAMCO预定于5月28日发售的PSV游戏《CROSS ANGE 天使与龙的轮舞 tr.》日前公开了Web广播视频第二弹,这次同样长度有40多分钟,虽然还是以侃大山为主,但中间也进行了一段试玩演示,演示的内容主要为游戏的战斗部分,可以看到游戏中玩家还是有机会操控维尔奇斯的,...

BANDAI bus NAMCO scheduled for May 28th sale of the PSV game "CROSS ANGE tr." and the Dragon / Angel recently disclosed Web broadcast video second bomb, the same length of more than 40 minutes, although still chitchatting, but in the middle of a a playable demo, demo mainly as part of the game battle, you can see the game game player still has a chance to control, the chiss,...