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盘点韩国电竞欧巴 颜值高性格好风格各异应有尽有

Inventory Korea E-sports Obama Yan high value good character styles have everything that one expects to find

2015-04-25 10:37:27来源: 178游戏网

韩流吹遍神州大地的今天,韩国欧巴不仅存在偶像剧里、音乐MV中,他们同样出没于LOL圈。 你若以为他们是皮肤暗沉、眼袋三层、刘海挡大眼的网瘾少年,那就too simple too na ve了。身为世界顶尖选手的他们,还有顶层的外貌作支撑!小编只想说求放过~~想当年小编因为某欧巴的一张...

Hallyu blowing through the vast land of today, South Korea has not only the existence of the idol drama, music MV, they also appear in the LOL ring. If you think that they are dark skin, bags under the eyes of the three layer, Liu Haidang eyed teenager of network strong interest, then too simple too Na ve. As the world's top players and the top of them, look for support! Xiaobian want to say please pass, that small because the Obama a...

标签: 电竞