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"Hero" for the first time to test popular open

2015-04-25 14:11:59来源: 新浪

全民回合三国的热战时代震撼来袭,《英雄令》4月24日10:00首次技术测试激情揭幕!作为一款以三国为背景的3D玄幻回合制页游,《英雄 令》完美融合了三国时期战场上武将单挑、阵法群杀的双重精彩,为所有玩家打开了一扇通向真实三国战场的传送门。颠覆传统虚假,摒弃无数俗套,穿越金戈铁马 的三国,...

all round three of the Cold War Era "hero" shock struck, the April 24th 10:00 the first technical test passion opening! As a background to the 3D fantasy turn based Webpage Game "hero", the perfect fusion of the period of the Three Kingdoms battlefield generals singled, matrix dual wonderful group killed, opened the door to the real battlefield portal for all game player. Subversion of the traditional false, abandon numerous stereotypes, a symbol of war in ancient China across the three kingdoms,...