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《狩龙战纪》开放下载 国服大师团成立

"Hunting" Dragon Wars download national service master group was set up

2015-04-16 17:52:14来源: 多玩游戏

狩猎类网游《狩龙战纪》4月24日首测,客户端下载今日开放!这预示着我们距离踏入龙兽的世界又近了一步。同时,游戏的声优大师团也宣布成立,多名国内当红大师为《狩龙战纪》献声,玩家将享受到一场别具一格的听觉盛宴。心动不如行动,赶快来官网下载客户端吧! 《狩龙战纪》国服客户端开放下载地址>>...

hunting online games "" Dragon Wars "in April 24th the first test, the client download open today! This indicates that our distance into the Drake is a step closer to the world. At the same time, the game master group also announced the establishment of the voice actors, more popular for hunting Dragon Wars "master" vocals, game player will enjoy a have a style of one's own auditory feast. Heartbeat than action, as soon as possible to the official website to download the client! "Hunting Dragon Wars" Chinese clients open the download address "...