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大学遗憾排行榜 我有“时光机”让你重回校园

University Rankings have pity me "time machine" let you go back to school

2015-04-17 09:40:56来源: 任玩堂

又是一年毕业季,即将挥别相伴四年的校园,许多人心中都充满了不舍。有人说,大学四年,若能一技傍身,兴趣广泛,爱人入怀,知音两三,四六过关,体格强健,则毕业无憾。这些你都做到了吗? 最近,《人民日报》就在新浪微博发起话题#大学遗憾排行榜#,并迅速引发网友热议。没有好好把握时间学习、没有谈一...

another year graduation season, accompanied by the end of four years of campus, many hearts are full of sadness. Someone said, the University for four years, if the professional skills, broad interests, love in my arms, salon two or three, four six clearance, strong, will graduate without regret. What you did? Recently, the "people's Daily" on Sina launched # micro-blog topic university rankings # regret, and quickly sparked hot friends. For not taking time to learn, no talk...