新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天天酷跑抽奖必中小肥羊技巧攻略


Cool running every day will draw small sheep skills Raiders

2015-04-17 10:19:12来源: TechWeb

小肥羊在天天酷跑中也算是数一数二的极品坐骑了,很多玩家做梦都想得到它。那么这次小编就为大家带来一篇10倍积分抽奖得小肥羊的技巧攻略,希望能帮各位早日获取小肥羊。 首先,你必须要有一个抽来的限时人物、坐骑或宠物!(这个条件如果你实在没有也问题不大,选择初始的角色不要坐骑就成) 在它们时...

little sheep in the cool running every day is the best horse count as one of the very best, a lot of game player dreams to get it. Then the small for everyone to bring a 10 times integral draw little sheep skills Raiders, hope can help you to get the little sheep. First of all, you must have a draw to the limit of characters, mounts and pets! (this condition if you really don't have a big problem, the choice of initial role is not horse) in them...