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Beauty's "dragon" 18 hot new clothes on

2015-04-16 17:52:14来源: 新浪

龙武CGWR 得分 CGWR:431 位 CGWR介绍 春风远去,夏意袭来!随着全国各地渐渐升温,人们慢慢褪去厚厚外套,换上清爽夏装,肆意享受美好晴天。无独有偶,首款仙侠动作网游《龙武》也换上夏日装扮,并在明日开启新服【天下】VS【无双】,与玩家朋友们一起迎接美好夏日! 4月...

dragon CGWR score CGWR:431 CGWR spring gone, summer hit! As the country gradually heating up, people slowly faded thick coat, put on fresh summer, enjoy beautiful sunny day. Coincidentally, the first action Xian Xia online games "dragon" also put on summer dress, and tomorrow to open a new service [] [] VS the world unparalleled, and the game player friends together for a better day! In April...