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地牢逃命也要萌萌的 《任务守卫者》上架双平台

Dungeon Escape to Meng Meng "guardians" task on dual platform

2015-04-16 16:50:09来源: 4399

前不久大红大紫的蠢萌休闲游戏《天天过马路》不知道你们玩过没有。接下来小编要给各位介绍的这款《任务守卫者》在玩法上和过马路十分相近,不过它的画风要略微阴暗一些,毕竟我们的任务是要从地牢中跑出去! 游戏以地牢为主题,采用立体像素的画风,我们需要控制人物小心翼翼的前进,沿途收集各种战利品,走...

recently in the limelight of the adorable casual game "day road" didn't know you played No. The next Xiaobian to introduce the "Guardian" task in the play and crossing the road is very similar, but the style of its micro dark, after all, our task is to go out from the dungeon to dungeon run! The game as the theme, using three-dimensional pixel style, we need to control the characters with great care to move forward, along the way collect all trophies, go...