新关注 > 信息聚合 > 格斗宝贝换取宝贝攻略 兑换系统详解

格斗宝贝换取宝贝攻略 兑换系统详解

Baby baby Raiders in exchange for combat system exchange system Xiangjie

2015-02-10 16:50:27来源: 4399

《格斗宝贝》这款格斗手游的系统可以说做的非常全面。今天小编就给大家讲解一下他的兑换系统,看看到底都能换取哪些宝贝呢? 兑换系统主要分为三个部分:装备兑换、PVP勋章兑换、英灵兑换。 高等级的装备的获取还是比较难的,基本就是副本奖励和黑市商城购买。但是每天的任务我们都可以得到一定数...

"combat baby" the fighting Mobile Games can be said to do a very comprehensive. Today Xiaobian to explain his exchange system, have a look whether can exchange what baby? The exchange system is divided into three parts: equipment exchange, exchange, exchange PVP medal souls. To obtain high grade equipment is still relatively difficult, basic is the black market and reward the mall to buy a copy of. But every task we can get a certain number...