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我去玩《光芒传奇》刀光剑影 缔造传奇

I go to play a "legend" the glint and flash of cold steel light to create a legend

2015-01-28 17:10:00来源: 07073游戏网

古有勾心斗角、尔虞我诈,今有降妖除魔、抢夺霸主。我去玩《光芒传奇》来袭!刀光剑影,正面交锋,就为了缔造一个光芒万丈的传奇! 我去玩《光芒传奇》是一款大型即时制角色扮演类网页游戏。实现了以网页构架形式展现海量用户同场景的游戏互动。相比目前上市的其他ARPG类游戏在游戏玩法上独树一帜,采...

ancient intrigue, intrigues, there is fighting the devil, rob overlord. I go to play a "legend" the incoming light! The glint and flash of cold steel, confrontation, in order to create a casts a thousand beams. legend! I go to play the legendary "light" is a large instant Cosplay class Webpage game. The realization of the massive users show the same scene interactive games to Webpage architecture form. Compared to the current listing of the other ARPG games on the gameplay become an independent school, mining...