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《兵王2》1.20开启首次封测 打响2015第一战

"About 2" 1.20 open the first CB started 2015 first battle

2015-01-06 21:51:16来源: 17173

国战正统续作《兵王2》,将于2015年1月20日正式开启首测!兵锋所指,王者归来,这一次,让我们战斗到底! 《兵王2》首测官网今日正式上线,并添加了激活码相关页面及首曝了更为详细的游戏资料。这意味着玩家已可以参与到官方预约抢码活动中来,并更深入了解这款正统传承的全新国战续作。掌握首测...

country war orthodox sequels "about 2", will be on January 20, 2015 officially opened the first test! Soldier referred to, the return of the king, and this time, let's fight to the end! "About 2" the first test website officially launched today, and add the activation code related pages and first exposed to more detailed game information. This means that the game player can participate in official appointment has been robbed code activities, and more in-depth understanding of new country war sequel this orthodoxy inheritance. Master the first test...