新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大主宰手游伙伴图鉴属性解析


Large master Mobile Games partner atlas analysis of

2015-01-06 21:59:59来源: 4399

《大主宰手游》不同于其他普通卡牌手游,游戏内蕴含着非常多的策略技巧,同时属性系统也是异常强大,本文就是为新手揭秘这些属性究竟能起到什么样的作用呢? 『属性解释』 (1)命中,属性越高,攻击到目标的几率越高。 (2)闪避,属性越高,闪避目标攻击的几率越高。 (3)暴击,指的是暴击伤...

attributes "great Lord" Mobile Games is different from other ordinary card Mobile Games, game embraces strategy skills very much, at the same time attribute system is unusually strong, this is the secret of these properties for the novice what can play what role? "Property interpretation" (1) hit, attribute the higher, the higher the probability of attack to the target. (2) Dodge, attributes the higher chance to dodge an attack, the higher the target. (3) the crit, refers to the violence injury...

标签: 手游