新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼做慈善 二十周年限量版PS4一号拍卖

索尼做慈善 二十周年限量版PS4一号拍卖

Sony charity twenty Anniversary Limited Edition PS4 a number Zhongguancun online auction

2014-12-26 09:01:28来源: 中关村在线

【中关村在线游戏资讯】12月26日消息:索尼在PlayStation二十周年之际发布了二十周年限量版PlayStation4,早在发布之时,索尼就宣布第00001号不在抽选范围内,而是作为慈善项目。日前,索尼宣布将这台机器拍卖用于儿童慈善。 第00001号PlayStation4 ...

Zhongguancun online game [information] December 26th news: Sony released a twenty Anniversary Limited Edition of PlayStation4 in PlayStation twenty anniversary, as early as the time of release, Sony announced first number is not in the selected range, but as a charity project. Recently, Sony announced this machine for children's charity auction. No. first PlayStation4...

标签: PS PS4 索尼