新关注 > 信息聚合 > 51《神将屠龙》圣诞狂欢 豪礼乐翻天

51《神将屠龙》圣诞狂欢 豪礼乐翻天

"God 51" Christmas Carnival music play dragon Hao

2014-12-25 22:28:08来源: 07073游戏网

转眼要过圣诞节了,51《神将屠龙》也飘起了新年的瑞雪。值此良辰美景,51《神将屠龙》开启了一批丰厚的豪礼领取通道,您还等什么?赶紧和小编一起来看看吧! 圣诞好礼送不停,丰富奖励免费领,助您的角色快速成长!在活动期间仅需达到45级的勇士即可在活动界面领取丰厚礼包奖励: 礼包内容:低...

blink of an eye to the Christmas, "God 51" New Year Dragon also Piaoqi the snow. On the occasion of beauty, "God 51" dragon opened a group of rich ho ceremony to receive the channel, what you still wait for? Quickly and small make up to have a look! Christmas gifts to send non-stop, rich rewards free collar, help your role of rapid growth! Only reached level 45 warrior can receive gifts rewards in the activities of interface during the event: the package contents: low...