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第93届奥斯卡获奖名单公布 《无依之地》斩获最佳影片等3项大奖

The 93rd Academy Awards List announced that "no place" won three awards, including best picture

2021-04-26 12:34:44来源: 游戏时光

第 93 届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼在刚刚公布了全部奖项的获奖名单,由赵婷执导的影片《无依之地》获得了 6 项提名,并最终抱走了 3 个重磅大奖,分别最佳影片、最佳导演和最佳女主角。影片《困在时间里的父亲》男主安东尼·霍普金斯获得最佳男主角奖,麦斯·米科尔森主演的《酒精计划》获得最佳国际影片奖。皮克斯动画长片《心灵奇旅》一举拿下最佳动画奖项,也摘下了最佳原创配乐奖。黑白传记剧情片《曼克》以多达 10 项的提名领跑全榜,最终收获最佳美术设计奖和最佳摄影奖。【第93届奥斯卡完整获奖名单】最佳影片:无依之地最佳导演:赵婷(《无依之地》)最佳男主角:安东尼·霍普金斯(《困在时间里的父亲》)最佳女主角:弗朗西斯·麦克多曼德(《无依之地》)最佳男配角:丹尼尔·卡卢亚(《耶稣是我同伴》)最佳女配角:尹汝贞(《米纳里》)最佳原创剧

The 93rd Academy Awards ceremony has just announced the list of all the awards. Zhao Ting's film "no place to depend on" won six nominations, and finally won three big awards, namely best picture, best director and best actress. Anthony Hopkins won the best actor award for "father in time" and the best International Film Award for "alcohol project" starring Max Michelson. Pixar Animation Feature Film "strange journey of soul" won the Best Animation Award and the best original score award. The black-and-white biographical drama "mank" led the list with up to 10 nominations, and finally won the best art design award and the best Photography Award【 The 93rd Academy Awards complete list of award winners] best film: no country, best director: Zhao ting (no country), best actor: Anthony Hopkins (father trapped in time), best actress: Francis McDonalds (no country), best supporting actor: Daniel callua (Jesus is my companion), best supporting actress: Yin Ruzhen (Minari) best original play