新关注 > 信息聚合 > 育碧影业《狼人游戏》预告首曝 6月25日上映

育碧影业《狼人游戏》预告首曝 6月25日上映

The preview of Ubisoft's werewolf game first revealed that it was released on June 25

2021-04-22 20:38:41来源: 游戏时光

育碧放出了旗下游戏改编真人惊悚喜剧《狼人游戏》的首支预告片,并宣布本片将于 6 月 25 日在北美上映。视频地址

Ubisoft released the first trailer of its game adapted real-life thriller comedy "werewolf game", and announced that the film will be released in North America on June 25. Video address

标签: 游戏