新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新闻评论:《死亡空间 重制版》来了,我们还能相信EA吗?【VG聊天室】

新闻评论:《死亡空间 重制版》来了,我们还能相信EA吗?【VG聊天室】

News review: dead space remake is coming. Can we still trust EA【 VG chat room]

2021-07-23 18:51:56来源: 游戏时光

VG聊天室已登录各大FM平台。本期节目链接:网易云音乐|荔枝|B站音频:视频:EA Play 直播活动公布了《战地2042》的「门户」模式与《死亡空间 重制版》,太刺激了,我们来讨论一下。参与人:Lost、FJ更多节目,请点击下方节目单:

VG chat room has been logged into major FM platforms. Link to this program: Netease cloud music | litchi | station B Audio: Video: EA play live broadcast announced the "portal" mode of battlefield 2042 and the remake of dead space. It's so exciting. Let's discuss it. Participants: lost, FJ. For more programs, please click on the program list below: