新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《Apex英雄》手游版公布,月底开启测试


The mobile game version of apex hero was released and the test was opened at the end of the month

2021-04-20 07:58:54来源: 游戏时光

《Apex英雄》正式宣布游戏将登陆移动端,本月底将于印度和菲律宾两地进行 Android 端的测试。游戏是为了移动平台全新制作的,针对触屏做了很多优化,在保证内容原汁原味的同时,让游戏在手机上也变得易用。《Apex英雄》移动版不支持跨平台联机,后续将扩大游戏的测试范围,并增加 iOS 端的测试。来源:《Apex英雄》官网

"Apex hero" officially announced that the game will land on the mobile terminal, and the Android terminal will be tested in India and the Philippines at the end of this month. The game is newly made for the mobile platform, and many optimizations have been made for the touch screen, which not only ensures the original content, but also makes the game easy to use on the mobile phone《 The mobile version of apex hero does not support cross platform online. In the future, the test scope of the game will be expanded and the test of IOS will be added. Source: apex hero official website

标签: 手游