新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日亚上架「乐高路易吉+主题NS收纳包」套装


Riya shelf "LEGO Luigi + theme ns storage bag" package

2021-04-21 10:59:15来源: 游戏时光

在任天堂官宣「乐高路易吉」基础套装后,日亚上架了一个「乐高路易吉+主题 NS 收纳包」的套装,售价 404.54 元人民币(不含运费及进口税费)。该套装包括「乐高路易吉」基础套装本体以及一个 Switch 主题收纳包,商店页面显示付款后商品将于 7 月 9 日有货,考虑到任天堂官方称「乐高路易吉」将于 7 月 10 日正式发售,该套装应该会在 7 月 10 日发售当天发货。来源:Amazon

After Nintendo officially announced the "LEGO Luigi" basic package, Riya put on the shelf a "LEGO Luigi + theme ns storage bag" package, priced at 404.54 yuan (excluding freight and import taxes). The package includes the basic package body of "LEGO Luigi" and a switch theme storage bag. The store page shows that the goods will be available on July 9 after payment. Considering Nintendo official said that "LEGO Luigi" will be officially sold on July 10, the package should be shipped on the day of sale on July 10. Source: Amazon