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《尼尔 人工生命 ver.1.22474487139…》新宣传片公布 凯宁怒…

741 Neil's new promotional film "artificial anger"

2021-04-21 09:53:04来源: 游戏时光

SE 放出了《尼尔 人工生命 ver.1.22474487139…》的全新宣传片,包含了凯宁怒斥白之书的语音和部分全新战斗及剧情画面。视频地址《尼尔 人工生命 ver.1.22474487139…》将于 4 月 22 日登陆 PS4/Xbox One 平台,4 月 24 日登陆 Steam 平台。游戏收录高难副本“15 夜噩梦”、新剧情“人鱼公主”、追加内容“4 寄叶”等内容。

Se released a new promotional film of Neil's artificial life ver. 1.22474487139..., including the voice of Kaining's angry criticism of the white book and some new battle and plot pictures. The video address Neil artificial life ver. 1.22474487139... Will log on to PS4 / Xbox one platform on April 22 and steam platform on April 24. The game includes the highly difficult copy "15 night nightmare", the new plot "Mermaid Princess", the additional content "4 sending leaves" and so on.