新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《无人深空》五周年纪念宣传片公布 新版本即将免费推出

《无人深空》五周年纪念宣传片公布 新版本即将免费推出

The fifth anniversary Promo of "unmanned deep space" announced that the new version will be launched free of charge

2021-08-10 00:35:49来源: 游戏时光

最早于 2016 年 8 月 9 日上市的太空探索冒险游戏《无人深空》现今迎来了发售五周年的纪念日。开发商 Hello Games 放出了本作的五周年纪念宣传片,其中回顾了游戏在这几年中推出过的全新版本、联动活动、追加模式、次世代升级等更新内容,同时宣布本作的新版本“Frontiers”即将免费推出。视频地址

The space exploration adventure game unmanned deep space, which was first launched on August 9, 2016, is now celebrating its fifth anniversary. The developer Hello games released a promotional film for the fifth anniversary of the work, which reviewed the new version, linkage activities, additional mode, next-generation upgrade and other updates of the game in recent years, and announced that the new version of the work "Frontiers" will be launched free of charge. Video address