新关注 > 信息聚合 > ID@Xbox独立游戏发布会将于8月11日凌晨举行


ID@Xbox The independent game conference will be held in the early morning of August 11

2021-08-06 10:43:16来源: 游戏时光

微软宣布旗下独立游戏项目 ID@Xbox 将与 Twitch 合作举办第二届独立游戏发布会,期间将展示大量独立游戏新作和试玩演示,举办时间为北京时间 8 月 11 日凌晨 0 点,由 Twitch 平台独家直播。 据介绍,本次发布会将展示大量独立游戏,包括来自《狙击精英》开发商 Rebellion 和《实验室老鼠》开发商 Chump Squad 的独立游戏新作。此外,微软还会公布与 Xbox Game Pass 有关的新消息,应该是有独立游戏要直接进 XGP 游戏库了,感兴趣的玩家不要错过这场发布会。来源:Xbox官网

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Microsoft announces its independent game project ID@Xbox The second independent game conference will be held in cooperation with twitch, during which a large number of new independent game works and trial demonstrations will be displayed. It will be held at 0 a.m. Beijing time on August 11, and will be broadcast exclusively by twitch platform& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; It is reported that this press conference will display a large number of independent games, including new independent games from rebellion, the developer of sniper elite, and chump square, the developer of laboratory mouse. In addition, Microsoft will also release new news related to Xbox game pass. There should be independent games to directly enter the XGP game library. Interested players should not miss this press conference. Source: Xbox official website

标签: 游戏 Xbox