新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《摇曳露营△》主机版游戏宣传影像:与伙伴享受美好时光


Promotional image of "swaying camping △" host game: enjoy a good time with your partners

2021-08-06 11:56:10来源: 游戏时光

由 MAGES. 制作的主机游戏《摇曳露营△ Have a nice day!》在今日( 8 月 6 日)放出官方宣传影像,时长 2 分钟。视频地址本作剧情基于原作动画展开,玩家可造访各种露营地点并决定同行伙伴,在体验原作剧情的基础上发掘游戏中的“if 分支故事”。《摇曳露营△ Have a nice day!》将于 2021 年 11 月 11 日登陆 PS4 / Switch 平台。通常版售价 8580 日元,限定版附赠志摩凛机车玩偶与游戏原声音乐集,售价 11990 日元。来源:MAGES.

The host game "have a nice day!" produced by mages The official publicity video was released today (August 6) for 2 minutes. The plot of this video address is based on the original animation. Players can visit various camping sites and decide their peers. Based on the experience of the original plot, they can explore the "if branch Story" in the game《 Swaying camping △ have a nice day PS4 / switch platform will be launched on November 11, 2021. The regular version costs 8580 yen, and the limited version comes with Zhimo Lin's locomotive doll and game soundtrack music collection, which costs 11990 yen. Source: mages

标签: 游戏