新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《疯狂兔子:奇遇派对》现已登陆国行版Switch


"Crazy Rabbit: Adventure party" has now landed on the switch of the national bank

2021-08-05 11:37:50来源: 游戏时光

育碧中国宣布冒险派对游戏《疯狂兔子:奇遇派对》现已正式登陆国行版 Nintendo Switch,游戏数字版现已在育碧天猫旗舰店以及国行版 Nintendo Switch E 商店上架,售价 299 元。同时,玩家可通过免费体验《疯狂兔子:奇遇派对》试玩版,游玩 4 款小游戏。视频地址作为首款由育碧成都工作室专为国行版 Nintendo Switch 打造的原创冒险类派对游戏,《疯狂兔子:奇遇派对》支持至多 4 名玩家本地同屏乱斗或组队对抗。本作内置超 40 款小游戏以及 30 余位可选的经典西游角色,还将在未来推出额外的免费更新内容。目前玩家可前往国行版 Nintendo Switch E 商店免费下载体验《疯狂兔子:奇遇派对》试玩版,游玩“巧取人参果”、“金睛辨真伪”、“临危五指间”以及“海滨狂欢舞”4 款

Ubisoft China announced that the adventure Party Game Crazy Rabbit: Adventure party has been officially launched in the Bank of China Version of Nintendo switch. The digital version of the game has been put on shelves in Ubisoft tmall flagship store and Bank of China Version of Nintendo switch e store, with a price of 299 yuan. At the same time, players can experience the trial version of Crazy Rabbit: Adventure party for free and play 4 games. As the first original adventure party game specially created by Ubisoft Chengdu studio for the Nintendo switch of the National Bank, Crazy Rabbit: Adventure party supports up to 4 players to fight on the same screen or form a team. This work has built-in more than 40 small games and more than 30 optional classic Western Travel characters. Additional free updates will be launched in the future. At present, players can go to the Nintendo switch e store of the national bank version to download and experience the trial version of Crazy Rabbit: Adventure party for free, and play 4 models of "skillfully taking ginseng fruit", "golden eye distinguishing authenticity", "five fingers in danger" and "seaside Carnival dance"

标签: Switch