新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《审判之逝:湮灭的记忆》新情报:女孩酒吧、电竞社等团体


"The death of the trial: annihilated memory" new information: girls' bar, E-sports agency and other groups

2021-08-04 09:50:15来源: 游戏时光

世嘉旗下“审判之眼”新作《审判之逝:湮灭的记忆》即将于 2021 年 9 月 24 日登陆 PS5/PS4/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One,官方今日公布了主角八神在各种各样的团体中展开潜入调查的情报。女孩酒吧八神从天泽那里听说有诚棱高中的学生谎报自己的年龄前往伊势佐木异人町的女孩酒吧。而且那名学生好像还洋洋得意地对酒吧 No.1 的店员“望月‧S‧英美里”说过“我知道教授的真正身份”。为了寻找关于教授的线索,八神前往女孩酒吧……想要从英美里那里获得情报,首先需要与其他店里的女孩打好关系。成为酒吧的常客后,虽然与英美里有了更多交谈的机会,但她似乎不太记得住八神的名字……女孩酒吧 迷你游戏概要在女孩酒吧中与个性丰富的女孩聊天、玩飞镖、点鸡尾酒,提高与女孩的友好度。友好度上升后,还会触发事件让关系更

Sega's "eye of judgment" new work "the death of judgment: the memory of annihilation" is about to land on ps5 / PS4 / Xbox series x|s / Xbox one on September 24, 2021. The official today announced the intelligence of the protagonist eight gods sneaking into various groups for investigation. The eight gods of the girls' bar heard from Tianze that a student of chengling high school lied about his age and went to the girls' bar in yishizomuyiren town. Moreover, the student seemed to proudly say "I know the real identity of the professor" to the clerk of bar No. 1 "Wangyue S. Anglo American". In order to find clues about the professor, the eight gods went to the girls' bar... To get information from Britain and the United States, we first need to have a good relationship with the girls in other stores. After becoming a regular guest of the bar, although she had more opportunities to talk with Britain and the United States, she didn't seem to remember the names of the eight gods... Summary of mini games in the girls' bar. In the girls' bar, she chatted with girls with rich personality, played darts and ordered cocktails to improve her friendliness with girls. When friendliness increases, it will trigger events to make the relationship more friendly

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