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刀剑动作游戏《听风者也》全新演示公布 女主招式首次曝光

The new demonstration of sword action game "wind listener" was announced, and the female main move was exposed for the first time

2021-09-17 18:35:14来源: 游戏时光

由纸老虎工作室开发,Gamera Game 发行的国产动作游戏《听风者也》将于 9 月 23 日正式发售。本作售价为 41 元,发售后首周享九折优惠。官方今日公布了游戏的最新试玩影像,展示了男主角书厚深与“青鬼”怀释隆的一场战斗,以及女主角书纭的部分招式。视频地址《听风者也》的游戏美术糅合了写意画、水彩画、油画等多种技法风格。在 2021 indiePlay 中国独立游戏大赛上,本作荣获「最佳视觉效果奖」提名。本作故事设定在架空的明朝嘉靖年间,玩家将通过“反击制敌”的方式抗击倭寇,胜负出于毫厘之间的游戏风格与独特的国风美术将给玩家带来不一样的武侠体验。

Developed by the paper tiger studio and released by GAMERA game, the domestic action game "listener" will be officially launched on September 23. The price of this product is 41 yuan, with a 10% discount for the first week after sale. The official released the latest trial video of the game today, showing a battle between the hero Shu Houshen and the "green ghost" Huai Shilong, as well as some moves of the heroine Shu Chen. The game art of the video address "those who listen to the wind" is a mixture of freehand painting, watercolor painting, oil painting and other technical styles. In 2021 indieplay China independent game competition, this work won the nomination of "best visual effect Award". This story is set in the overhead Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. Players will fight the Japanese pirates by "fighting back and defeating the enemy". The game style and unique national style art will bring players a different martial arts experience.

标签: 游戏