新关注 > 信息聚合 > Epic 游戏成就系统将于下周正式上线

Epic 游戏成就系统将于下周正式上线

Epic game achievement system will be officially launched next week

2021-10-05 08:20:18来源: 游戏时光

Epic 官方日前发布公告,宣布全新的「Epic 成就系统」即将上线。从下周开始,用户可以在特定游戏中获取成就与经验值。新的成就界面可查看相关进度根据经验值的不同,Epic 成就系统分为四个不同级别,分别是青铜级、白银级、黄金级和白金级。达成白金级成就在游戏中可获得 1000 点经验值。此前 Epic 推出了由开发者主导设计的成就系统「开发者成就」,这次的 Epic 成就系统能够为玩家提供额外福利。如果一款之前支持开发者成就的游戏,在 Epic 成就系统推出时集成了该系统,则玩家的成就会被继承,玩家账户会自动获得经验值。有关于 Epic 成就系统的更多信息可前往官网查看。来源:Epic 游戏商城

Epic officials recently announced that the new "epic achievement system" will be launched soon. From next week, users can get achievement and experience values in specific games. In the new achievement interface, you can view relevant progress. According to different experience values, epic achievement system is divided into four different levels, namely bronze, silver, gold and platinum. Achieve platinum achievement and gain 1000 experience points in the game. Previously, epic launched the achievement system "developer achievement" designed by developers. This time, epic achievement system can provide additional benefits for players. If a game that previously supported the achievements of developers integrates the epic achievement system when it is launched, the player's achievements will be inherited and the player's account will automatically obtain experience values. More information about epic achievement system can be viewed on the official website. Source: epic game mall

标签: 游戏