新关注 > 信息聚合 > 14年前,年轻开发者们是怎样完成初代《巫师》的?


14 years ago, how did young developers complete the first generation of wizard?

2021-12-01 16:22:49来源: 触乐

14年前,白发猎魔人杰洛特首次登上世界舞台。如今,杰洛特吸引了许多铁杆粉丝,但当时他只是波兰某个奇幻小说系列里的角色,在更大范围内几乎毫无名气。事实上,如果按照开发商CD Projekt Red最初的想法,杰洛特甚至不会在《巫师》游戏中出现。 马切伊·什切希尼克(Maciej Szcześnik)曾担任《巫师》的主玩法设计师,阿图尔·甘申涅茨(Artur Ganszyniec)是《巫师》前首席叙事设计师。在近期的一次采访中,两个人分享了这款具有里程碑意义的游戏的开发历程。 ■ 摸着石头过河 什切希尼克的童年在一座小镇度过,从小就喜欢和伙伴们一起玩纸笔角色扮演游戏。那座小镇距离最近可以买到“战锤”的商店大约100公里,什切希尼克和伙伴们经常去那里收集廉价的塑

Fourteen years ago, the white haired demon hunter jerot first appeared on the world stage. Nowadays, jerot has attracted many die hard fans, but at that time, he was just a character in a fantasy novel series in Poland and was almost unknown on a larger scale. In fact, if the original idea of the developer CD Projekt red was followed, jerot would not even appear in the wizard game.