新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【晨报】今年双十二你都买了什么,有抢到PS5和XSX吗?


[morning post] what did you buy this year? Did you grab ps5 and xsx?

2021-12-13 07:41:28来源: 游戏时光

大家好,今天是 12 月 13 日星期一。昨天双十二我在 X 东和 X 猫上面准备抢 PS5 和 XSX,可惜没有抢购成功,最终决定给自己在这个寒冷的冬天添置几件衣服。你今年双十二都买了什么呢?新闻简讯《永劫无间》宣布将推出“李小龙”“金沙遗址博物馆” “糖豆人:终极淘汰赛”“影子武士 3”“《轩辕剑》&《仙剑奇侠传》”联动。NZXT 推出《赛博朋克2077》联名主题机箱,售价 299.99 美元。日本一上线了一个倒计时网站,网站上是一块在黑暗中静静计时的怀表。《碧蓝幻想 Versus》DLC 角色 “维拉” & “Avatar 贝利尔” 将于 12 月 14 日正式上线。《碧蓝幻想》宣布将于 2022 年 2 月与《赛马娘》展开联动。新游戏《铲子骑士 口袋地下城》俱乐部杂谈杂谈1杂谈2昨日问答

Hello, everyone. Today is Monday, December 13. Yesterday, I was preparing to grab ps5 and xsx on X East and X cat. Unfortunately, I didn't buy them successfully. Finally, I decided to buy some clothes for myself in this cold winter. What did you buy this year? The news bulletin "everlasting robbery" announced that it would launch the linkage of "Bruce Lee", "Jinsha Site Museum", "sugar bean man: the ultimate elimination", "Shadow Warrior 3", "Xuanyuan sword" & amp; legend of the legendary swordsman ". NZXT launched the "cyberpunk 2077" co branded theme chassis, priced at $299.99. As soon as Japan launched a countdown website, the website is a pocket watch that silently counts time in the dark. DLC character "Vera" in blue fantasy versus & amp; "Avatar belier" will be officially launched on December 14. Blue fantasy announced that it would be linked with racehorse lady in February 2022. New game "shovel Knight pocket dungeon" club gossip 1 gossip 2 yesterday's Q & A

标签: PS