新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂迷你直面会上的这些游戏都支持中文


These games at Nintendo Mini face-to-face meeting support Chinese

2022-06-29 11:03:52来源: 游戏时光

昨晚的任天堂迷你直面会公布了不少将登陆 Switch 平台的新作。任天堂香港在今日发布博文,确定以下游戏均支持中文。支持中文的游戏:马力欧+疯兔 星耀之愿怪物猎人 崛起 曙光索尼克 未知边境小小诺娅 乐园的后继者时空勇者(HD-2D 重制版)吃豆人 吃遍世界尼尔 自动人形 The End of YoRHa Edition女神异闻录5 皇家版女神异闻录4 黄金版女神异闻录3 携带版HARVESTELLA勇者斗恶龙 寻宝探险团 蓝色眼眸与天空罗盘哆啦A梦 牧场物语 自然国王与和乐家人奥特曼 怪兽农场王牌钓手 欢钓水族馆超级炸弹人R洛克人 EXE 合集关于以上中文游戏的更多详情,可以直接查看任天堂香港中文博文的介绍:传送门。来源:任天堂

Nintendo Mini face-to-face meeting last night announced that many new works will be launched on the switch platform. Nintendo Hong Kong released a blog post today, confirming that the following games support Chinese. Games supporting Chinese: Mario + Crazy Rabbit star wish Monster Hunter rising dawn sonic unknown frontier successor of little Noah paradise spacetime brave (hd-2d Remake) bean eater eating all over the world Neil automatic human & nbsp; The end of yorha edition goddess anecdote 5 Royal version goddess anecdote 4 golden version goddess anecdote 3 portable version harvestella brave fight dragon treasure hunt expedition blue eyes and sky compass Doraemon ranch story of nature king and he Le family Altman Monster Farm ace fisherman Happy Fishing aquarium super bomber r Locke exe collection more details about the above Chinese games, You can directly view the introduction of Nintendo Hong Kong Chinese Blog: portal. Source: Nintendo

标签: 游戏 任天堂