新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》评分汇总:基础优秀,创新不足

《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》评分汇总:基础优秀,创新不足

Score summary of monster hunter Rising: Dawn: excellent foundation, insufficient innovation

2022-06-30 10:16:58来源: 游戏时光

《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》于今日在 NS 和 PC 平台发售,截至目前 Metacritic 收录媒体评测 27 份,均分 86 分,Opencritic 收录媒体评测 21 份,均分 87 分,推荐度 95%。IGN:7 / 10《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》是一个相对简单的资料片,但这并不意味着它没有乐趣。全新和回归的怪物、地点都是一流的。《曙光》并不像《冰原》那样充实或令人惊喜,本作缺乏新的创意,也没能成功填补放弃百龙夜行所留下的空白。翔虫相关的机制和玩法依然优秀,但你最终可能会开始觉得你只是以不同的方式在熟悉的丛林中重复狩猎。Screen Rant:3.5 / 5《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》很适合那些认为《怪物猎人 崛起》本篇过于简单的人,本作的大师级任务可能非常有挑战性。但《曙光》也是为那些打通了《崛起》并想要更

The rise of Monster Hunter: Dawn was released on NS and PC platforms today. So far, 27 media reviews have been included in metacritical, with an average score of 86 points, and 21 media reviews have been included in opencritical, with an average score of 87 points and a recommendation of 95%. Ign:7 / 10 the rise of the Monster Hunter: dawn is a relatively simple expansion, but that doesn't mean it's not fun. The new and returned monsters and places are first-class. "Dawn" is not as full or surprising as "ice field". This work lacks new ideas and fails to successfully fill the gap left by giving up the night trip of hundreds of dragons. The mechanics and gameplay associated with flying insects are still excellent, but you may eventually begin to feel that you are just hunting repeatedly in the familiar jungle in different ways. Screen rant:3.5 / 5 "monster hunter rise: Dawn" is very suitable for those who think that this article of "monster hunter rise" is too simple. The master task of this work may be very challenging. But "dawn" is also for those who get through "rise" and want to

标签: 怪物猎人