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The autumn and winter scenery of Animal Crossing and DLC advertisement announcement

2021-11-12 11:00:48来源: 游戏时光

任天堂旗下人气休闲聚会游戏已于 11 月 5 日推出 2.0 版本免费更新以及大型付费 DLC“快乐家乐园”,今日任天堂发布了本作三段全新的电视广告,分别介绍了游戏中的秋、冬景色与 DLC 内容。 秋日景色 冬日景色 快乐家乐园

Nintendo's popular leisure party game has launched a free update of version 2.0 and a large-scale paid DLC "happy home paradise" on November 5. Today, Nintendo released three new TV advertisements of this film, introducing the autumn and winter scenery and DLC content in the game.