新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】手绘风猎奇惊悚AVG《罪狱:soul》现已发售


[welfare] hand painted wind adventure thriller AVG "prison of sin: Soul" is now on sale

2022-07-22 19:49:43来源: 游戏时光

手绘风猎奇惊悚 AVG《罪狱:soul》现已在 Steam 发售,定价 36 元,上线首周购买还可享 9 折优惠。本作由国内团队 GHF GAME 开发、Gamera Games 发行,据开发者介绍,本作的人物、场景和怪物设计,是从恐怖大师伊藤润二的作品中汲取灵感的,尝试用黑白手绘风格描绘「一个没有希望、充斥着绝望的至暗世界」。本作原定于 7 月 19 日发售,然后在发售前却出现了商店页面无法访问的异常情况。官方公告称,原因是「在 Steam 后台填写成人调查的时候误触了什么机制,导致游戏无法被搜索到且审核卡住了」。目前发售的版本加入了「绿色开关」以降低游戏中部分画面的尺度,玩家可以根据自己的喜好选择是否开启这一开关。福利时间在本文评论区留言,你就有机会获得 5 美元 Steam 点卡~

Hand painted adventure thriller AVG "prison of sin: Soul" is now on sale in steam, priced at 36 yuan, and you can also enjoy a 10% discount when you buy it in the first week of its launch. This work was developed by the domestic team GHF game and released by GAMERA games. According to the developers, the characters, scenes and monster designs of this work are inspired by the works of the horror master runji ITO, and try to depict "a hopeless and hopeless dark world" in black and white hand-painted style. This work was originally scheduled to go on sale on July 19, but before it went on sale, there was an abnormal situation that the store page could not be accessed. The official announcement said that the reason was "what mechanism was touched by mistake when filling in the adult survey in the steam backstage, so that the game could not be searched and the audit was stuck". The currently available version adds a "green switch" to reduce the size of some pictures in the game. Players can choose whether to turn on this switch according to their preferences. Leave a message in the comment area of this article during the benefit time, and you will have the opportunity to get a $5 steam point card~