新关注 > 信息聚合 > Double Eleven工作室为每个员工加薪2500英镑

Double Eleven工作室为每个员工加薪2500英镑

Double eleven studio raises 2500 pounds per employee

2022-07-31 12:18:15来源: 游戏时光

Double Eleven 为每个员工统一加薪 2500 英镑年薪,并解释这是为了帮助面临生活成本上涨的员工。Double Eleven 工作室位于英国米德尔斯堡,参与过不少著名项目,诸如《腐蚀》的主机版,《我的世界:地下城》和《监狱建造者》。本次加薪涵盖全体员工,从初级职位到部门主管都可以享受。为了避免对收入低的员工不利,加薪数额是统一的。此举虽然受到员工的欢迎,但引发了外界对该公司财务健康的讨论。员工欢庆加薪Double Eleven 财务总监 Kimberley Turner 解释说,这是为了帮助员工更有弹性地度过如今这个“充满不确定性的经济时期“,并且公司也需要”吸引和留住最优秀的人才“。该公司还表示,加薪将追溯到 2022 年 4 月,补发之前月份的加薪数额,以补助员工之前因为生活成本上升产生的额外开

Double eleven gave each employee a unified annual salary increase of 2500 pounds, and explained that this was to help employees facing the rising cost of living. Double eleven studio is located in Middlesbrough, England, and has participated in many famous projects, such as the host version of corrosion, my world: underground city and prison builder. This salary increase covers all employees, from junior positions to department heads. In order to avoid disadvantage to low-income employees, the amount of salary increase is unified. Although this move was welcomed by the employees, it triggered a discussion on the financial health of the company. Kimberley Turner, financial director of double eleven, explained that this is to help employees spend today's "uncertain economic period" more flexibly, and the company also needs to "attract and retain the best talents". The company also said that the salary increase will be traced back to April 2022, and the salary increase in the previous months will be compensated to compensate employees for the additional expenses caused by the rising cost of living