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宝马i8敞篷版或到来 搭1.5升增压混动系统

BMW I8 roadster version or the arrival take 1.5 litre turbocharged hybrid system

2015-12-06 10:26:20来源: 人民网

宝马i8车车型可谓是现在时下非常流行的一款引领混动概念车车型,不过眼前的i8车型还仅仅是硬顶车型,而有关宝马i8即将量产i8敞篷版车型的消息到来,这款车型很有可能真正投入量产到来。 宝马主席Ha...

the BMW I8 car models may is now very popular nowadays, a leading hybrid concept car models, but in front of I8 model is only hardtop models, and the BMW I8 upcoming production of message arrival I8 convertible version of the car, the car is may actually put into production coming. BMW chairman Ha...