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Harbin Yi Teng Yi evapotranspiration at manatee poster: thein Island bull figure

2015-08-29 00:09:43来源: 新浪

毅腾赛前海报 新浪体育讯 北京时间8月29日,中甲联赛将重燃战火,近来状态火热的哈尔滨毅腾将赴客场挑战青岛海牛。赛前哈尔滨毅腾俱乐部发布官方海报: 微博全文:北京时间8月29日,2015赛季...

Yiteng before the poster of sina sports news Beijing time on August 29, armor league tournament will reignite the war, recently, the state of the fiery will go to the away game challenges Qingdao manatee. Harbin Yi Teng Club released the official poster: microblogging full text: Beijing time in August 29th, 2015 season...