新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江青写给毛泽东的信曝光:自称纯真的女孩子


Jiang wrote to Mao Zedong's letter to light: claiming innocent girls

2015-06-23 08:51:36来源: 中国网

敬爱的领袖毛主席: 我今天专心聆听了你的有着伟大历史意义的报告,你指明了光明的方向,使我鼓舞。 我是一个木工的女儿,从小受生活的折磨,在三顿吃不饱的苦难中又开遭父亲酩酊大醉殴打成性的逆运;母...

beloved leader Chairman Mao: today, I listened to the you have great historical significance of the report, you specify the direction of the light, keeps me inspired. I am the daughter of a carpenter and tortured by life since the childhood, in three meals to eat suffering and misfortune of by father drunk sadistic beatings; mother...