新关注 > 信息聚合 > 8月乘用车销量共141.85万 环比增11.81%

8月乘用车销量共141.85万 环比增11.81%

August passenger car sales 11.81%

2015-09-10 18:00:32来源: 爱卡汽车网

8月,乘用车销量环比呈较快增长,但同比依然下降。1-8月,乘用车销量同比增速低于3%,继续呈一定回落。 8月,乘用车共销售141.85万辆,环比增长11.81%,同比下降3.39%。在乘用车细分...

8 months a total of 141.85_wan million mom thickening, passenger car sales chain was rapid growth, but the year is still declining. 1-8 month, passenger car sales growth of less than 3%, continue to fall. August, a total of 1418500 passenger car sales, the chain grew by 11.81%, down 3.39%. Subdivision of passenger car...