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Finally wait until today! Can upgrade the WP win10 models in mobile phone

2016-03-16 23:10:04来源: 中关村在线

据多条消息称,微软将在本周的某个时候为 Windows Phone 设备推送最终正式版本的 Windows 10 Mobile 系统升级。虽然微软依然没有出面对此进行任何正式的确认,但很多人对此已经习以为常,除了等待就是更漫长的继续等待。不过,还是有很多人希望升级推送这件事情更快发生。 ...

According to the multiple messages, Microsoft will sometime this week to push for Windows Phone devices final 10 Mobile system upgrade version of Windows. Although Microsoft is still not to have any formal confirmation, but many people have become accustomed to, in addition to the waiting is long to wait more. However, there are still a lot of people want to upgrade to push this thing happen faster. ...