新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三星将让你和异地的孩子来一个VR睡前故事


Samsung will make you and your child to a remote VR bedtime story

2016-05-01 16:47:52来源: 17173

虚拟现实可以说是一个奇迹,它可以让你和你爱的人无论相隔多远,都能近在身边。 睡前故事除了启发孩子的思维,还能让孩子安睡,更能增进亲子之间的感情。三星推出了一个名为睡前的虚拟现实故事的项目,目前正处...

Virtual reality can be said to be a miracle, it allows you and your loved ones no matter how far apart, can nearly around. In addition to the child's bedtime story inspired thinking, but also let the children sleep, to better enhance the feelings between parent and child. Samsung launched a virtual reality project called bedtime story, now at ...

标签: 三星 VR