新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中澳将开展多元化跨国教育合作


Australia will be diversified international education cooperation

2016-04-14 02:40:33来源: 中国新闻网

中新社北京4月13日电 (记者 闫晓虹)随着中国经济发展方式从制造业和投资拉动向服务业和消费驱动转型,教育的作用正在发生变化。作为2016“澳大利亚周·中国”的重点行业之一,澳大利亚国际教育代表团圆满结束沈阳之行,13日在上海开展此行的最后一站,并将与中国教育界代表进行广泛探讨。 中...

China news agency Beijing, April 13 (xinhua 闫晓虹) as China's economic development mode from manufacturing and investment to services and consumer driven transformation, the role of education is changing. As 2016 "Australia weeks · China" one of the key industries, end of Australia's international education delegation visit to shenyang, 13 in the last station of Shanghai to visit, and will be examining extensively with the Chinese educational representatives. In the...