新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝罗马准备高薪挖角米尔纳 曼城中场今夏欲离队

曝罗马准备高薪挖角米尔纳 曼城中场今夏欲离队

Exposure to Rome ready to paid hire Milner Manchester City midfielder this summer to leave

2015-03-08 17:35:34来源: 华体网

据《每日星报》报道,意甲 罗马队准备了一份周薪达10万英镑的大合同,他们希望能够签下现效力于曼城的中场米尔纳,他在今夏将成为自由球员。 罗马欲签下米尔纳 早前已经放出英格兰中场不会与曼城续约的...

according to the "Daily Star" reported, big contract serie a team Rome to prepare a weekly wage of 100000 pounds, they hope to be able to sign Manchester City midfielder currently playing for Milner, he will become a free agent in the summer. Rome want to sign Milner had earlier released the England midfielder will not renew his contract with Manchester city...