新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈伟霆曝漏点照片晒福利 粉丝无节操调侃

陈伟霆曝漏点照片晒福利 粉丝无节操调侃

William Chan exposed leak photo sun welfare fans unchastity ridicule

2015-03-22 14:06:11来源: 新浪

陈伟霆曝漏点照 新浪娱乐讯 在昨天晚上播出的《快乐大本营》中,《少年四大名捕》剧组陈伟霆[微博]、张翰[微博]、杨洋[微博]三大男神名捕现身为戏宣传。节目中陈伟霆在换装环节把自己的衬衫改造一番亲...

William Chan exposed leak broadcast according to the Sina entertainment news in the last night's "happy camp", "junior four Mingbu" crew William Chan [micro-blog], Zhang Han [], Yang Yang [] micro-blog micro-blog three male god catch appeared for the Opera publicity. William Chan program in transshipping links his own shirt rebuilt dear...